Within the body of Vaat Yapı, the locomotive company of Vaat Holding, we have provided life to dozens of projects since our establishment. We continue to implement our new projects with great passion and speed.

As Vaat Yapı, we have achieved and continue to achieve comfortable business and living spaces that offer high commercial income mainly in Trabzon, Samsun, Alanya and Istanbul. We promise experiences that will increase the quality of life of our customers in every aspect with our projects that we implement and plan.

In our first 10 years, we carried out 11 major projects.

We are happy to complete our major projects in the field of housing, hotels and industry with outstanding success rates.

We are building projects in Istanbul.

We moved the headquarters of our company to Istanbul as of 2022 in order to crown our experiences gained from our projects realized in Trabzon with bolder steps.

Our "Vaat Express" project, which will be implemented in Istanbul Güneşli, consists of 141 housing and commercial units. Again, our "Vaat Center" project, which we have implemented with a high living standard goal for our customers in the same region, constitutes a mixed project target with 653 houses, outdoor shopping and 5-star hotels and shopping mall-hotel-residence plan.

We will announce the name of Vaat Yapı more in the coming years with our ongoing housing projects and other hotel projects, especially ‘Misal Hotel Istanbul’.

Since our first step, we have been walking to the future with solid foundations!

In the continuation of our journey with great courage we plan to realize our growth goals first in Istanbul and then in different cities of our country. While adding value to our sector and the economy of our country, we will continue to create stronger projects at every step to be a brand that has a reputation in the international arena!

In all sectors where we exist, we promise our customers unique comfort areas and a privileged life in this way. With the superior working principles and valuable principles of our company, we will continue to present success-based projects in the near and distant future!

Our biggest goal in the projects we carry out in line with our visionary perspective is to add a unique value to all cities where our structures rise, especially the areas we found!